Knotty Minutes

Knotty Carvers meeting minutes March 2, 2024

Proctor Area Community Center

Treasurer Kathy Ide brought the meeting to order at 9:03 with 22 members and 3 guests in attendance. 

Sign-in sheets for attendance and treats are available on the treat table. Please sign up because the treasurer pays the PACC $2 for each person that attends.  If anyone gets COVID we have a list so we can contact people. Thanks to Dave and Linda for bringing treats today.  

The Feb meeting minutes were approved with the correction that we will not be posted the club roster to the 

Treasurer report: educational fund $1264.31.   General fund $3553.69. Current membership is 36. 

Communications:  an email came from the PACC wanting our mailing address.  Sandy forwarded to Kathy.  

Show & Tell: Kathy encourages people to put items on the Show and Tell table.  Sandy will take photos to post on our Knotty Carvers Facebook page.  

Guests: Greg Mattson started carving in the early 1980’s power carving mostly, with family and work put it aside.  Retired about 3 years ago but now is more interested in hand carving characters etc.  Knotty Carvers is the closest carving club he could find, he lives about an hour away.  Lisa Brown – just started carving.  Taking beginning carving class from Roger.  Carol is also in Roger’s class and has never carved before.  

Membership is $22, $7 goes to MN Woodcarvers; Knotty Carvers is $15.   


May 31, June 1, 2, 2024  Jan Jenson – will be contacted to teach old–world chip carving.  9 people are interested in either April or May.  The cost will be $90 for three days. Contact Kathy if interested.

September 14 & 15, 2024  Derek Epping – available to do cottonwood bark wood spirits this year.  His last class was on whimsical cottages.  He will do a two-day workshop in September or October. We have 12 people signed up for this class.  May be a Viking project out of cottonwood bark.  Confirm with Kathy if you aren’t at the meeting today.  

Woodburning – Barb could teach woodburning in June at an extra meeting date at the PACC or we could get an instructor.  This may be in June.

Reminder that scholarships are available to members for classes – just contact Kathy, Barb or Sandy to learn more about it.  There is a simple form and a promise to report back to the club about the class. 

John Krantz – may come to do a talk about wood.  

Old Business:  

Kathy brought copies of our club roster for those that wanted them.  It will not be published on our website and is for internal use only.  This is an update from last month’s meeting notes.  

Bill Majewski has rescheduled the sand base demonstration for March – was scheduled for today but has some health issue and home bound for a while.  Postponed until a later date.  

New Business:   

Kathy covers where the first aid kits and AED’s are located in the PACC.  

Kathy brings up the issue we talked about last month about taking memberships all year. 

There are several caving tools that are on the back table. They are available to borrow to try out different tools, handles etc.  

Kathy proposes an “Article of the Month”.  Kathy mentions an article about gouges.   A google is a cutting edge with a sweep of different sizes.  Also includes veiners.    When ordering – double check on size and shape.  Many to not come sharpened so be aware of that.  A collar can prevent the cracking of the handle.  Two numbers first is the sweep, the second is the size of the cut.  Drawings of these have been posted to our Facebook page in September 2023.  Kathy shows palm tools vs longer handles.  

May have a wood exchange at the May meeting – people can bring tools or wood they aren’t using or don’t want any more and can either exchange or sell them.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.    

Ongoing Carving Opportunities:

Next meeting will be April 6, 2023.